Folks .....Yes, I have gotten all of the PDA's to connect and sync with
Windows 7.
incompatibilities with Nero 8. So as a good husband, I went out and got an
upgrade to Nero 9 and at the same time they offered, "Move it" as $12 extra.
music players, and other devices to transfer music, etc. For $12 I got it
-> today I installed Nero 9 and "Move it".
USB connection from the Acer to the PC. Mobile Device Center asked for the
-> I tried the Dell with the USB, and it worked like the Acer above.
I also downloaded the VISTA version of the phone sync app from Samsung.
Installed it and Windows 7 now sees my phone. "Move it" id not.
Post by RDKFolks.....Some progress and some road blocks. Just a note, none of my
devices are phones, all are PDA's
Yesterday I was able to connect and sync successfully with the Mio P550
(PDA/GPS). Removed all (that I could see) evidence of previous
connections with any of the three PDA's,I uninstalled the Moble Device
Center, rebooted and reinstalled it again directly from the MS site. I
attached a BlueTooth dongle to the PC which it installed and then rebooted
I fired up the MIO P550 and, now things get fuzzy, I fiddled with the MIO
BlueTooth menues until I saw the device in the Add Device sub-window of
the Devices and Printers page on my Windows 7 PC (I believe it asked for
an exchange of codes before it connected??). I selected it, clicked next
and it installed the device and somewhere along in here it asked for the
device password and the Mobile Device Center activated. After that it
showed "Connected" and the sync menus became available. The unit then
synced just fine. The unit also showed up in the "My Computer" list of
storage disks and devices so I could drag and drop files.
I shut the PDA BlueTooth transmitter down and re-attached it via the USB
cable and that also now worked - go figure!!!
So much for the good news. I tried the other two units. As before, I
could get them to show int he Devices and Printers page, but they never
successfully connected with the Mobile Device Center. As the ACER N300
has the same version of Windows Mobile as the above Mio I was hopeful that
it would also now connect - no luck. Neither of these units show up in
the "My Computer" listing of disks and storage devices .
Thus it does appear that some type of "driver" file/interfacing
information is missing and will be required to get these two units
working with the Mobile Device Center and syncing. Or prehaps something
I attached the Acer N300 to my wife's Vista laptop using the USB (it does
not have BlueTooth) and it connected fine and allowed me to see the units
memory and SD card in the "My Computer" page. That laptop does not have
Outlook so it did not offer the ability to sync information.
Any good ideas???.....RDK
Post by RDKFolks...OK, I have tried a couple of your ideas and I have discovered
that I can not read my own handwritting ( :-( ), so part of my original
post is incorrect. I have corrected that and updated as per the
1) for the Axim X30 (OS Window Mobile 2003 2nd Edition),
it shows up in the "Printers and Devices" as an "unspecified Device" /
"Dell Axim USB Sync"
AND in the "Device Manager" under "Mobile Devices" as a "Dell Axim USB
2) for the Acer N300 (OS Windows Mobile 5 (OS 5.1.195 Build
it shows up in the "Printers and Devices" as a "Generic RNDIS"
AND in the "Device Manager" as a "Network Adapter" identified as
"Microsoft Windows Mobile Remote Adapter"
AND on the PDA, Acrive Sync shows Connected.
3) and finally for our Mia P550 DigiWalker PDA/GPS (OS Windows Mobile 5
(OS 5.1.195 Build 14292.2.2.1)),
it shows up in the "Printers and Devices" as a "Microsoft Windows Mobile
Remote Adapter #2"
AND in the "Device Manager" as a "Network Adapter" identified as
"Microsoft Windows Mobile Remote Adapter #2"
AND on the PDA it complained about needed ActiveSync 4.1 or higher on the
None of the devices has ever shown "Connected" for the Mobile Device
Manger in Windows 7
Removing and reinatalling the USB devices/drivers via the Device Manager
and rebooting had no effect
Any more ideas?......RDK
Post by FranksterYou almost certainly need Vista/Win7 drivers for your devices. Look
around on the web and/or at the manufactures website.
Post by RDKHello...Looks like not much activity in this forum. Well, I'll keep trying.
It would appear that Windows 7 is seeing something when I attach, via
USB, each of my PDA's as I now see the following in the "Printers and
1) for the Axim X30 (OS Window Mobile 2003 2nd Edition), it shows up as
an "Unidentified device"
2) for the Acer N300 (OS Windoes Mobile 5 (OS 5.1.195 Build
14292.2.2.1)), it shows up as a "Microsoft Windows Mobile Remote Adapter"
3) and finally for our Mia P550 DigiWalker PDA/GPS (OS Windoes Mobile 5
(OS 5.1.195 Build 14292.2.2.1)), it shows up as "Generic RNDIS"
None of them show connected in the Mobile Device Center.
Any help out there?.....RDK
Post by RDKHello again....I should have mentioned that the USB ports seem to be
working with other devices. ...RDK
Post by RDKHello....I have two PDA's, an Dell Axum and an Acer N300. They both
work just fine with Windows XP via Active Sync - plug in the USB
cable and they just start working. I have just built a new Windows 7
PC and installed Mobile Device Center. With either of the PDA
attached using the USB connection when Mobile Device Center is
started it indicates "Not Connected". I have tried several settings
on the "Mobile Device Settings" without success.
What am I missing here? The Acer N300 is running the Mobile 5 OS....RDK